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Table 1 Baseline demographics and characteristics

From: Incidence and risk of hypertension in patients newly treated for multiple myeloma: a retrospective cohort study

Patient characteristics

MM patients (n = 7895)

Non-MM patients (n = 23,685)

Duration of follow-up, years

 Median (range)

2 (0–9)

2 (0–10)

Age at index date, years

 Mean ± SD

65.3 ± 11.8

65.3 ± 11.8

 Median (range)

64 (18–97)

64 (18–97)

Age, years, n (%)


26 (0.3)

78 (0.3)


239 (3.0)

717 (3.0)


1130 (14.3)

3390 (14.3)


2747 (34.8)

8241 (34.8)


1812 (23.0)

5436 (23.0)


1941 (24.6)

5823 (24.6)

Sex, n (%)


4400 (55.7)

13,200 (55.7)


3495 (44.3)

10,485 (44.3)

Year of index date, n (%)


634 (8.0)

1591 (6.7)


639 (8.1)

1464 (6.2)


607 (7.7)

1492 (6.3)


892 (11.3)

2154 (9.1)


1136 (14.4)

3193 (13.5)


832 (10.5)

2445 (10.3)


1007 (12.8)

3644 (15.4)


1102 (14.0)

4177 (17.6)


908 (11.5)

3039 (12.8)


138 (1.7)

486 (2.1)

Comorbidities at baseline, n (%)


3002 (38.0)

5750 (24.3)

 Renal failure

1698 (21.5)

696 (2.9)


1399 (17.7)

3712 (15.7)

 Diabetes mellitus

1242 (15.7)

3007 (12.7)

 Ischemic heart disease

841 (10.7)

1777 (7.5)

 Cardiac dysrhythmias

563 (7.1)

1019 (4.3)

 Congestive heart failure

526 (6.7)

549 (2.3)


168 (2.1)

176 (0.7)


110 (1.4)

3 (0.01)

 Acute myocardial infarction

106 (1.3)

133 (0.6)

 Cerebrovascular diseasea

100 (1.3)

159 (0.7)

 Hypertension + renal failure

1034 (13.1)

494 (2.1)

 Hypertension + congestive heart failure

322 (4.1)

320 (1.4)

 Hypertension + renal failure + congestive heart failure

179 (2.3)

116 (0.5)


 Mean ± SD

1.44 ± 1.93

0.41 ± 1.01

 Median (range)

1 (0–12)

0 (0–15)

  1. CCI: Charlson comorbidity index, MM: multiple myeloma, SD: standard deviation
  2. aBased on inpatient claim only