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Table 1 Physicochemical property of L-BPA and [19F]-L-FBPA

From: Comparison of the pharmacokinetics between L-BPA and L-FBPA using the same administration dose and protocol: a validation study for the theranostic approach using [18F]-L-FBPA positron emission tomography in boron neutron capture therapy




Melting point

285–298 °C

266–269 °C

Solubility (water, 25 °C)

1.6 g/L

2.6 g/L

Acid dissociation constant

pKa: 2.10 (−COOH)

pKa: 2.11 (−COOH)

pKb1: 8.43 (−NH2)

pKb1: 7.71 (−NH2)

pKb2: 9.79 (−B(OH)2)

pKb2: 9.49 (−B(OH)2)