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Table 6 Items regarding CS5: Patient with non-functioning GEP-NET, non-susceptible to surgery or to loco-regional treatment, with Ki-67 > 10 %, ECOG ≤2, AND POSITIVE OCTREOSCAN®: Is SSA treatment initiated? [36, 59]

From: Management of controversial gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumour clinical situations with somatostatin analogues: results of a Delphi questionnaire panel from the NETPraxis program


Previous rounda

Median (p25-p75)

Median range

Participants in median range n (%)


41. The use of SSA in monotherapy in these patients is reasonable in patients with Ki-67 <20 %.

50.8 %: 7–9

7 (7–8)


48 (84.2)

C - A

42. The use of SSA in monotherapy in these patients is reasonable in case of low tumor load (hepatic ≤25 % and no extra-hepatic disease).

63.1 %: 7–9

8 (7–8)


50 (87.7)

C - A

43. The use of SSA in monotherapy in these patients is reasonable in case of NETs of gastrointestinal origin.

52.3 %: 7–9

7 (7–8)


49 (86)

C - A

44. In case of important comorbidities, SSAs are an option in these patients.


8 (7–9)


56 (86.2)

C - A

45. In these patients with Ki-67 from 10 to 20 % and/or high tumor load (extra-hepatic and/or hepatic >25 %) and/or NET of pancreatic origin, treatment is usually initiated with chemotherapy.

66.2 %: 7–9

7 (7–8)


48 (84.2)

C - A

46. In these patients with Ki-67 from 10 to 20 % and/or high tumor load (extra-hepatic and/or hepatic >25 %) and/or NET of pancreatic origin, treatment is usually initiated with molecular targeted drugs (with the possibility of combination with SSA).


7 (6–8)


45 (69.2)

C - A

47. If discrepancy exists between the degree of cellular proliferation and the octreoscan® results, it is recommended to perform 18FDG-PET-TAC to help making a therapeutic decision.

53.8 %: 7–9

7 (7–8)


46 (80.7)

C - A

48. If discrepancy exists between the degree of cellular proliferation and the octreoscan® results, a re-biopsy of the growing lesions will be considered.

64.4 %: 7–9

7 (7–8)


53 (93)

C - A

  1. CS Clinical situation, SSAs Somatostatin analogs, GEP Gastroenteropancreatic, NET Neuroendocrine tumor, C consensus, NC non-consensus, A Agreement
  2. aOnly applies to statements with 2 rounds; participant % in median range: median range