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Table 2 Basic characteristics of patients sampled. Data presented as number of patients in each group or as a median accompanied by full range (interquartile ranges listed in Results section)

From: Spinal disease in myeloma: cohort analysis at a specialist spinal surgery centre indicates benefit of early surgical augmentation or bracing

Patient characteristic (N = 183)

N (%) or median (range)


66 years (37–91 years)




115 (62.8 %)


68 (37.2 %)

Disease status:


 Newly diagnosed

136 (74.3 %)


47 (25.7 %)

Chain Isotype:



93 (50.8 %)


22 (12.0 %)

 Light chain

29 (15.9 %)


9 (4.9 %)


30 (16.4 %)

Time from diagnosis to presentation


 All patients

195 days (11–5090 days)

 New diagnosis of MM

109 days (11–1902 days)

 Relapse of MM

1929 days (171–5090 days)

Previous autologous stem cell transplant

65 (35.5 %)

Bisphosphonate therapy



113 (61.8 %)


4 (2.2 %)

 None recorded

66 (36.0 %)

Acute vertebral compression fractures:


 Number of fractures per patient

3 fractures (0–15 fractures)

 Thoracic region (number of patients)

149 (81.4 %)

 Lumbar region (number of patients)

111 (60.7 %)

 Thoracic and lumbar fractures (number of patients)

85 (46.5 %)

 No non-healed fractures

7 (3.8 %)