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Fig. 2 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 2

From: RNA disruption is associated with response to multiple classes of chemotherapy drugs in tumor cell lines

Fig. 2

Dose dependence of carboplatin-induced RNA disruption in A2780 and CaOV3 cells. A2780 and CaOV3 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of carboplatin (CBN) for 72 h, the length of time required to detect the RNA disruption response to carboplatin. Total RNA was isolated from cells following drug exposure and RNA quality was analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. a Gel image of RNA from A2780 cells treated with carboplatin. b RDI analysis of RNA isolated from carboplatin treated A2780 cells. c Gel image of RNA from CaOV3 cells treated with carboplatin. d RDI analysis of RNA isolated from carboplatin treated CaOV3 cells

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