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Table 1 Eligibility criteria and their associated screening questions

From: Healthy Living after Cancer: a dissemination and implementation study evaluating a telephone-delivered healthy lifestyle program for cancer survivors

Eligibility criteria

Screening question/s

Adults aged 18+ years

• What is your date of birth (day, month and year)?

Diagnosed with localised potentially curative cancer of any type

• When were you diagnosed with cancer (most recent diagnosis)? Please tell me the day, month and year as best you can remember.

• What type of cancer were you diagnosed with?

• Was your cancer localised, or did it spread to other parts of your body (i.e., were you diagnosed with metastatic disease or advanced cancer)?

Completed treatment (i.e., surgery, chemotherapy, radiation; hormonal treatment or Herceptin are fine)

• Have you completed treatment for cancer – i.e., surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy? This does not include hormonal treatment or Herceptin which you may still be on.

Without contraindications to engaging in unsupervised physical activity

• Are you currently pregnant or lactating or intending to become pregnant in the next 6 months?

• Do you currently use a walker or wheelchair regularly to help you walk or move around? This does not include using a walking stick.

• Have you had any health problems, such as a stroke, or have you had an accident, that has left you with walking difficulties?

• Do you have plans for a hip or knee replacement in the next 6 months?

• Do you ever feel any pain, tightness or heaviness in your chest either when you are resting or when you are physically active?

• Have you been told by your doctor that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity supervised by a health professional?

• Have you been told by your doctor that you’ve had a heart attack within the last 6 months?

• Have you had any breathing problems that required hospitalisation or oxygen use within the past 6 months?

• Do you have severe chronic lung disease?

• Do you take the blood thinners Warfarin, Coumadin or Marevan?

• Do you have moderate to severe kidney disease or are you undergoing dialysis?

• Do you suffer from neuropathy or nerve damage, which is most commonly caused by complications from diabetes?

• Do you suffer from retinopathy or damage to the retina in the eye, most commonly caused by complications from diabetes?

Without cognitive or mental health impairments that would hinder program participation

• Have you ever been diagnosed with depression/anxiety/any other mental health condition?

• If yes, are you currently suffering from depression/anxiety/any other mental health condition?

• If yes, is your depression/anxiety/any other mental health condition currently stable and/or being managed by medication or treatment from a health professional?

Able to speak and read English sufficiently to allow for program participation

Assessed by staff during the screening call (i.e., is the person they are screening able to understand the questions and respond appropriately).

Wanting support for healthy living via exercise and healthy eating and willing to make a six-month commitment to HLaC program participation

Participants are asked to read the Participant Information Sheet and consider whether now is a good time for them to take part in the program before providing consent.