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Fig. 2 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Small ubiquitin-related modifier 2/3 interacts with p65 and stabilizes it in the cytoplasm in HBV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma

Fig. 2

The profile of p65 expression in the liver tissues. p65 expression was detected using immunohistochemistry in the liver tissues of hepatitis B (d-f), HCC (g-i), and corresponding adjacent non-tumor tissues (j-l). a-c The isotype IgG control. b, e, h, and k are the magnified images of the rectangles in a, d, g, and j, respectively. c, f, i, and l are the magnified images of the rectangles in b, e, h, and k, respectively. The scale bars were shown as indicated. m The integral optical density (IOD) in panel g-l. The data were expressed as the means ± SD of the 8 individuals (n = 8). *p < 0.05, compared with Pa. Ca: tumor; Pa: para-tumor. n The levels of p65 were detected by western blot. o The quantitative data in panel n. The data were expressed as the means ± SD of the 4 individuals (n = 4). **p < 0.01, compared with Pa. Ca: tumor; Pa: para-tumor. p Pearson’s correlation test was used to analyse the relationship between the IODs of SUMO2/3 and p65 in the human liver tissues. p = 0.006, n = 9, R = 0.800

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