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Figure 1 | BMC Cancer

Figure 1

From: Loss of heterozygosity of TRIM3 in malignant gliomas

Figure 1

Deletion mapping of chromosomal region 11p15.5 in human primary gliomas defines a 130 kb-wide area containing TRIM3. A. The 11p15.5 chromosomal region highlighting TRIM3, the more distantly related TRIM5, TRIM6, TRIM22, and TRIM34 genes, as well as ASCL2 and ASCL3; arrows indicate transcription orientations. Middle panel: somatic deletion of the 11p15.5 region in glioma. Tumor histology, grades and numbers are indicated on the left. Allelic retention, allelic loss and non-informative data are represented by open, closed and grey circles, respectively. Minimal and maximal extensions of allelic loss are shown with filled and hatched grey areas, respectively. The 11p15 microsatellite markers/sequence tag sites (STS) used are indicated (D11S1318, D11S1758, D11S1997, D11S4905, D11S1331, D11S1250). Alignment of LOH data delimits a minimal area of 130 kb showing LOH common to all 10 tumors between markers D11S1997 and D11S4905 which identifies the TRIM3 locus. GBMs displaying complete loss of the central region were not tested for D11S1318 and D11S1250 (ND). B. Informative LOH data with marker D11S4905 comparing normal (N) with tumor (T) DNA for brain tumors OGII 040, ASIII 098, ASII 141, GBM 157, GBM 164. Abbreviations: GBM, Glioblastoma multiforme; AS, astrocytoma; OG, oligodendroglioma; RET, retention; LOH, loss of heterozygosity; ND, not determined; NI, non-informative.

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