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Table 5 Overall survival

From: Phase II assessment of talabostat and cisplatin in second-line stage IV melanoma


------------------------------Time to Death (days)------------------------------


Analysis with censoring of patients who began a new therapya

Analysis without censoring of patients who began a new therapyb


Median (95% CI), days c

Median (95% CI), days c

Overall Survival (N = 74)

230.0 (143.0, 401.0)

230.0 (148.0, 330.0)

Exploratory Analyses


Overall survival by:


M classification


   M1a (n = 7)

NE (270.0, NE)

340.0 (270.0, NE)

   M1b (n = 13)

NE (230.0, NE)


   M1c (n = 54)

148.0 (116.0, 297.0)

148.0 (117.0, 239.0)

Prior chemotherapy


   With (n = 40)

165.0 (118.0, 297.0)

165.0 (143.0, 297.0)

   Without (n = 34)

401.0 (138.0, NE)

340.0 (139.0, NE)

Dose escalation of talabostat


   With (n = 44)

330.0 (153.0, NE)

330.0 (165.0, NE)

   Without (n = 30)

139.0 (81.0, 270.0)

139.0 (81.0, 230.0)

Initial cisplatin dose


   100 mg/m2 (n = 35)

230.0 (109.0, NE)

239.0 (116.0, 401.0)

   75 mg/m2 (n = 39)

209.0 (148.0, NE)

209.0 (148.0, 340.0)

  1. CI = confidence interval; NE = non-estimable
  2. a Patients not dying had their survival time censored on the last date of known contact. Patients who began another anti-melanoma therapy were censored on the start date of the new anti-melanoma treatment.
  3. b Patients not dying had their survival time censored on the last date of known contact. Patients who began another anti-melanoma therapy were not censored because of the new therapy.
  4. c In many cases, there was insufficient information to calculate the median or the upper limit for the CI for these data.
  5. d ITT population.