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Table 1 Patients' information.

From: Inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) expression and their prognostic significance in hepatocellular carcinoma

Patient's age

≤67 y: 34

>67 y: 46


Patient's sex

male: 62

female: 18



mixed: 24

trabecular: 51

pseudoglandular: 5


Viral infection

HCV: 54

HBV: 9

None: 17



pT1: 36

pT2: 33

pT3: 9

pT4: 2

Edmonson grade

I: 8

II: 35

III: 32

IV: 5


NO: 34

YES: 46


Vascular invasion

NO: 58

YES: 22


N° nodule

1: 48

>1: 32


Nodule size (cm)

≤3: 38

>3: 42
