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Table 2B Comparative level of group satisfaction with QOL items: Family caregivers

From: Factors associated with quality of life of outpatients with breast cancer and gynecologic cancers and their family caregivers: a controlled study

Highest satisfaction ≥ 75% of subjects

Moderate satisfaction: 66 – 74% of subjects

Bare satisfaction: 50 – 65% of subjects

Dissatisfied < 50% of subjects


3. Family caregivers

of patients with breast,

cervical and ovarian cancer

Overall QOL(99%), health satisfaction (93%), feeling pain(94%), med treatment (92%), enjoy life(94%), life meaningful (96%), concentration ability(99%), feeling safe(83%), physical environ(93%), energy (98%), bodily appearance(98%), getting around(99%), sleep satisfaction(99%), ADL (93%), work capacity(93%), self satisfaction (93%), personal relations(92%), friends' support(98%), living place satisfaction (90%), access to health service (77%)

Satisfaction with sex (66%)

Availability of health information (53%)

Money for needs (49%), leisure opportunity (49%), transport satisfaction (41%)