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Figure 2 | BMC Cancer

Figure 2

From: Metabolic characterization of triple negative breast cancer

Figure 2

PLS-DA score and loading plots of (A) TNBC versus TPBC, (B) ER neg versus ER pos , and (C) HER-2 neg versus HER-2 pos breast cancer tumors. In the score plots (left), each symbol represents one sample. The score plots show the first and second latent variables (LV), and are used for interpreting relations between samples, thus similar samples are located close to each other. In the loading plots (right), the symbols represent metabolites that are significantly important for the discrimination between the groups. Variable importance in the projection (VIP) scores are illustrated by the heat map. The majority of TNBC, ERneg and HER-2neg samples have positive score for LV1. The PLS-DA model of TNBC versus TPBC shows best classification results, see Table 2. Gly: Glycine, Lac: Lactate, Cho: Choline, PC: Phosphocholine, Cr: Creatine, Tau: Taurine.

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