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Table 2 Efficacy in the intention-to-treat population

From: Biweekly cetuximab in combination with FOLFOX-4 in the first-line treatment of wild-type KRASmetastatic colorectal cancer: final results of a phase II, open-label, clinical trial (OPTIMIX-ACROSS Study)


ITT population N = 99

Response, n (%)


  Complete response

4 (4.0)

  Partial response

56 (56.6)

  Stable disease

30 (30.3)

  Progressive disease

5 (5.1)

  Not available

4 (4.0)

ORR, % (95% CI)

60.6 (50.3 to 70.3)

DCR, % (95% CI)

90.9 (83.4 to 95.8)

Progression-free survival


  Progression event, n (%)

68 (68.7)

  Months of progression-free survival, median (Q1-Q3)

10.1 (6.5-14.8)

Overall survival


  Death, n (%)

57 (57.6)

  Months of overall survival, median (Q1-Q3)

20.8 (11.6-32.8)

  1. Abbreviations: CI confidence interval, DCR disease control rate, ITT intention-to-treat, ORR objective response rate, Q1-Q3 Interquarile range.