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Figure 2 | BMC Cancer

Figure 2

From: Extracellular matrix signatures of human primary metastatic colon cancers and their metastases to liver

Figure 2

Definition and comparison of the matrisomes of the metastatic colon cancer and control tissue. A-C. Venn diagrams show the numbers of ECM proteins overlapping among the ECM-enriched fractions of the three patients’ normal colons (A), primary colon tumors (B) and metastases to liver (C), respectively. For patients for whom we analyzed duplicate samples of the same tissue or tumor, we chose the sample with the most abundant ECM protein content (see Additional file 2). We define the matrisome of a given tissue as the ensemble of proteins detected in at least two out of the three patients (grey). D. Venn diagram shows the number of proteins overlapping between the ECM of two pools composed of 4 and 5 normal liver samples respectively. The normal liver matrisome is composed of 105 proteins (grey). E. Venn diagram shows comparisons among the metastatic colon cancer matrisomes (primary colon tumor and associated metastases to liver) and control tissue matrisomes (normal colon and normal liver). ECM signatures of primary metastatic colon tumors and associated metastases are listed (see also Additional file 2C).

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