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Table 7 Differences in subscale and total scores on the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) between younger (< 60, n = 263) and older (≥ 60, n = 330) patients

From: Differences in the symptom experience of older versus younger oncology outpatients: a cross-sectional study


Unadjusted scores

Adjusted scores

Mean (Standard deviation)

Mean (Standard error)

< 60 years

≥ 60 years


< 60 years

≥ 60 years


Physical subscale

.92 (.63)

.70 (.58)


.90 (.04)

.70 (.03)


Psychological subscale

1.15 (.84)

.67 (.69)


1.10 (.05)

.70 (.04)


Global Distress Index

1.17 (.74)

.78 (.70)


1.13 (.04)

.81 (.04)


Total MSAS score

.84 (.50)

.60 (.46)


.81 (.03)

.60 (.03)
