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Figure 1 | BMC Cancer

Figure 1

From: High expression of ezrin predicts poor prognosis in uterine cervical cancer

Figure 1

Ezrin protein expression and localization in uterine cervical lesions. (A) Ezrin protein was not expressed in normal cervical squamous epithelia, but showed strongly positive staining in the lymphocytes of the cervical stroma. (B) Scattered cells positive for ezrin were observed in normal glands; expression was concentrated at the apical membranes (arrows). (C) Ezrin protein was strongly expressed in the atypical glandular cells of CGIN, but was negative in the adjacent normal squamous epithelia. (D) Ezrin was expressed in the atypical cells of CIN-3, but not in the adjacent normal glandular cells. (E) Ezrin protein was strongly expressed in the cytoplasm of cervical squamous cell carcinomas and also exhibited perinuclear staining (arrows) (insert). (F) Ezrin protein was strongly expressed in the cytoplasm of cervical adenocarcinomas. (Original magnification, 200× in A– F, and 400× in insert).

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