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Table 2 Primary and secondary outcome measures of the BREATH study

From: Rationale of the BREAst cancer e-healTH [BREATH] multicentre randomised controlled trial: An Internet-based self-management intervention to foster adjustment after curative breast cancer by decreasing distress and increasing empowerment



Response format

Example questions


Primary outcome measures

Psychological distress

Symptom Checklist 90 (90 items)

5 point Likert scale

During the past 7 days about how much were you distressed or bothered by:

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Anxiety (10 items)

* range 90–450

*Feeling fearful (anx)


· Agoraphobia (7 items)


· Depression (16 items)


* Feelings of worthlessness (depr)


· Somatisation (12 items)


* Numbness or tingling in parts of your body (som)


· Obsessive-compulsive behaviour (9 items)


· Interpersonal sensitivity (18 items)


* Feeling that people are unfriendly of dislike you (int.sens)


· Hostility (6 items)


* Nervousness or shakiness inside (anx)


· Sleep (3 items)


Psychological empowerment

Cancer Empowerment Questionnaire (40 items)

5 point Likert scale


T0; T1; T2; T3


· Personal strength (19 items)

* range 40-200

* I know what I am good at (pers.str)


· Social support (9 items)


* The people around me take me for who I am (soc.sup)


· Community (6 items)


* In our society people with breast cancer are considered wholly (com)


· Health care (6 items)


* My health care professionals are there when I need them (


Secondary outcome measures

Anxiety and depressive states

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (14 items)

4 point Likert scale

During the past week:

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Anxiety (7 items)

* range 0-21 (subscales)

* I am restless and can’t keep still (anx)


· Depression (7 items)

* range 0-42 (total)

* I feel miserable and sad (depr)


Breast cancer- related quality of life

EORTC-C30 (30 items)

4 point Likert scale

During the past week:

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Functional scales (physical, role, emotional, social, and cognitive functioning - 15 items)

* range 15-60

* Has your physical condition interfered with your family life? (role.func)


· Symptom scales (fatigue, pain, nausea/vomiting - 7 items)

* range 7-28

* Have you had difficulties remembering things? (cog.func)


· Single symptom items (6 items)

* range 6-24 7-point linear analogue scale; range 2-14

* Did pain interfere with your daily activities? (pain)


· Global health and global quality of life (2 items)


* How would you rate your overall quality of life during the past week?


EORTC-BR23 (23 items)

4 point Likert scale

During the past week:

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Functional scales (body image, sexual functioning, sexual enjoyment, future perspective - 8 items)

* range 8-32

* Did you find it difficult to look at yourself naked? (


· Symptom scales (arm symptoms, breast symptoms, systemic therapy side effects, upset by hair loss - 15 items)

* range 15-60

* Did you have a swollen arm or hand? (arm.symp) During the past 4 weeks:


* To what extent were you interested in sex? (sex.enj)


General distress

Distress Thermometer (1 item)

11 point Likert scale


T0; T1


* range 0-10

* Circle the number that best describes how much distress you have been experiencing in the past week including today.



Remoralization Scale (12 items)

4 point Likert scale


T0; T1


* range 12-48

* I am in control of my life


* I take a positive attitude toward myself


Personal control

Mastery scale (7 items)

5 point Likert scale


T0; T1; T2; T3


* range 7-35

* What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me


Positive adjustment to cancer

Positive Adjustment Questionnaire (39 items)

1-7 scale

Since you found out about your illness:

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Fulfilment (9 items)

* range 9-63

* My life is not limited by my illness (ful)


· Re-evaluation (9 items)

* range 9-63

*I see life differently (re-ev)


· New ways of living (10 items)

* range 10-70

* I can take things more in my stride (new.w)


· Valuing life (7 items)

* range 7-49

* I value life a lot more now (val)


Coping with the experience of cancer

Impact of Event Scale

4 point Likert scale


T0; T1


· Intrusion (7 items)

* range 13-52

* I had dreams about it (intr)


· Avoidance (8 items)

* I tried not to think about it (avoid)


* I tried not to talk about it (avoid)


Brief COPE (28 items)

4 point Likert scale


T0; T1


· Active coping (2 items)

* range 0-6 (subscales)

* I’ve been taking action to try to make the situation better (act.cop)


· Planning (2 items)


* I’ve been learning to live with it (acc)


· Positive reframing (2 items)


* I’ve been giving up to attempt to cope (behav.dis)


· Acceptance (2 items)


· Humor (2 items)


· Religion (2 items)


· Using emotional support (2 items)


· Using instrumental support (2 items)


· Self-distraction (2 items)


· Denial (2 items)


· Venting (2 items)


· Substance use (2 items)


· Behavioral disengagement


* I’ve been criticizing myself (self-bl)


· (2 items)


· Self-blame (2 items)



Self Efficacy Scale (7 items)

4 point Likert scale


T0; T1


* range 7-28

* Whatever I do, I cannot change my complaints


* I think I could positively influence my complaints


Fear of cancer recurrence

Cancer Worry Scale (8 items)

4 point Likert scale

During the past month:

T0; T1; T2; T3


* range 8-32

* How often have you thought about your chance of getting cancer (again)?


* Have these thoughts affected your mood?


Cancer Acceptance Scale (2 items)

4 point Likert scale


T0; T1


* range 2-8

* I worry about the cancer returning


* I am anxious about my health


Fatigue Severity

Checklist Individual Strength

7-point Likert scale


T0; T1; T2; T3


· subscale Fatigue Severity (8 items)

* range 8-56

* I feel tired


* I am rested


* Physically I feel exhausted


Family communication

ODHCF (14 items)

5 point Likert scale


T0; T1; T2; T3


· Nuclear family (7 items)

* range 7-35 (subscales) (or less if not applicable; no partner/ children/ parents/ siblings)

* My partner doesn’t (nucl.fam) / parents don’t (fam.or) want me to talk about breast cancer


· Family of origin (7 items)


* My children (nucl.fam) / siblings (fam.or) often don’t know what to say or do, when I’m feeling down because of breast cancer.


Illness perceptions

Illness Cognition Questionnaire (18 items)

4 point Likert scale


· Helplessness (6 items)

* range 6-24 (subscales)

* My illness controls my life (help)

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Acceptance (6 items)


* I can accept my illness well (acc)


· Perceived benefits (6 items)


* I have learned a great deal from my illness (perc.ben)



Big Five Inventory (44 items)

5 point Likert scale

I see myself as someone who:

T0; T1


· Neuroticism (8 items)

* range 1-5 (subscales)

* Worries a lot (neu)


· Extraversion (8 items)


* Is full of energy (ext)


· Openness to experience (10 items)


* Tends to be disorganized (con)


· Conscientiousness (9 items)


* Is considerate and kind to almost everyone (agr)


· Agreeableness (9 items)


Health care utilization

Trimbos/iMTA questionnaire for Costs associated with Psychiatric illness (TiC-P)


Since completion of primary curative breast cancer treatment (T0) / In the past four months (T1; T3) / In the past two months (T2):

T0; T1; T2; T3


· Contacts with medical or mental health care professionals (14 items)

Yes/no; frequency

* Did you visit a psychologist? (con)


· Hospitalization (1 item)

Yes/no; reason Yes/no; dose and frequency

* Did you use antidepressants? (med)


· Use of breast cancer- specific, psychiatric and other medication (8 items)

Yes/no; costs

* Did you take part in a breast cancer rehabilitation program? (other)


· Other costs (10 items)
