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Figure 3 | BMC Cancer

Figure 3

From: Myc suppression of Nfkb2 accelerates lymphomagenesis

Figure 3

Myc represses Nfkb2 transcription. a) SYBR-green real-time PCR analysis of Nfkb2 mRNA levels in primary, ex vivo cultured B cells infected with MSCV-Myc-ER™-IRES-GFP (Myc-ER) virus or MSCV-IRES-GFP (GFP) control virus. GFP-positive cells were sorted by flow cytometry, cultured, and treated with 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-HT) for the indicated times. Levels of mRNAs are standardized to the expression of Ubiquitin (Ub). * indicates p < 0.05. b) SYBR-green real-time PCR analysis of NFKB2 expression in human P493-6 cells treated with tetracycline (T, Myc-off state) ± estrogen (E, EBNA2-on state) for the indicated times. c) HeLa cells were co-transfected with an Nfkb2 promoter-reporter construct (firefly luciferase) and the indicated expression plasmids. The relative luciferase activity was determined by calculatiing the ratio of firefly to co-transfected renilla luciferase activity. * indicates p < 0.05, ** indicates p < 0.01. d) expression of the indicated transcripts measured by real-time PCR following infection of primary MEFs with Miz-1 or control (Hygro) retroviruses. Levels of the indicated mRNA were standardized to the expression of Ubiquitin (Ub).

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