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Figure 4 | BMC Cancer

Figure 4

From: In vivo tumor cell adhesion in the pulmonary microvasculature is exclusively mediated by tumor cell - endothelial cell interaction

Figure 4

Pulmonary tumor cell adhesion in vivo. A: Adhesion of HT-29LMM and T84 colon cancer cells. Determined by quantitative in vivo microscopy, human highly metastastic HT-29LMM and lung metastasis derived T84 colon cancer cells show similar adhesive properties in the rat lung. B: Integrin - inhibitionUsing quantitative in vivo microscopy of the lung, inhibition of colon cancer cells' integrins did not impair in vivo tumor cell adhesion in the pulmonary microvasculature. C: Selectin - inhibitionEnzymatic hydrolisation of sialylated glycoprotein structures by Neumaminidase-V significantly impaired tumor cell adhesion within the pulmonary microvasculature. Furthermore, tumor cell arrest was impaired after treatment of the animals with fucoidan 15 minutes prior to cell injection for inhibition of P- and L-selectins. D: Thomson-Friedenreich antigen inhibitionTumor cell - endothelial cell adhesion in vivo was significantly reduced, but not completely lost, after inhibition of TF-antigen and galectin-3 at tumor cells.

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