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Table 1 The biological functions of ten PCD-related genes

From: A novel TCGA-validated programmed cell-death-related signature of ovarian cancer


Physiological functions

Inflammation/immune responses

Roles in OC/other cancers


integrated stress response regulator [35, 36].

enhances antitumor immunity [37]

influences peritoneal metastasis of OC [38].


DNA repairment [39, 40].

promotes DCs activation [41], related to NFκB-dependent inflammatory [42].

arrests cancer cell proliferation [43].

cooperates with TP53 mutations in OC [44].

increase OC susceptibility [45].

induces PARP resistance [46].


neurodevelopment, maintain genomic integrity, and cell growth [47].

immune response [47].

regulates breast cancer metastasis [48].


participates in apoptosis process and genomic stability [49].

backs up efficient expression of type I interferon [50].

affects colony formation of cancer cells and chemotherapy resistance [51].


inhibit apoptosis pathway [52].

interacts with B or T cells [52].

regulates the apoptosis and autophagy in gastric cancer [53].


regulates cell cycle progression [54].

enhances immunotherapy sensitivity [54, 55].

predicts the poor prognosis of OC [56, 57].


mediates innate immunity, balance inflammation and cell death [58].

potential target for immune checkpoint blockade inhibitors [59].

regulates cell death in OC via the RIP3/MLKL pathway [60].


located on surface of T lymphocytes [61].

adaptive immune response [61] and conduct T cell receptor transmission [62].

a prognostic biomarker for OC patients [63].


control intracellular traffic, tumorigenesis and cell proliferation [64, 65].


a favor factor for breast cancer [66].


cell proliferation, differentiation, cell death, and tumorigenesis [67].

monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation [68].

mediate the PARP resistance in OC [69].