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Fig. 1 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 1

From: The role of piRNAs in predicting and prognosing in cancer: a focus on piRNA-823 (a systematic review and meta-analysis)

Fig. 1

In this study, we utilized the ‘PRISMA 2020 flow diagram’ template, which is a visual representation of the flow of information through the different phases of a systematic review. The template includes searches of only databases and registers. Please refer to the PRISMA flow diagram of the study for more details

* The trial registers including and trial were used in our search strategies

** The titles and abstracts of articles are not relevant to our research questions

*** Reasons:

Reason 1. There were no K-M survival curves indicating the specific event/endpoints

Reason 2. The risk sets in time intervals were not included in the HR (Hazard ratio). Also, asking the authors for raw data was not successful

Reason 3. Animal experiment included

Reason 4. Not available data

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