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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the included patients at the time of diagnosis of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC)

From: Real-life clinical management patterns in extensive-stage small cell lung cancer across France: a multi-method study


n/N (%)

Age, years

< 65

231/548 (42.2)


211/548 (38.5)

> 75

106/548 (19.3)

Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status


103/546 (18.9)


280/546 (51.3)


112/546 (20.5)

> 2

51/546 (9.3)

Presence of paraneoplastic syndromes

51/545 (9.4)

Presence of at least one severe comorbidity†

149/545 (27.3)

Presence of metastasis


28/537 (5.2)

Symptomatic brain metastasis only

20/537 (3.7)

Asymptomatic brain metastasis only

13/537 (2.4)

Multi-organ metastases including symptomatic brain metastasis

252/537 (46.9)

Multi-organ metastases including asymptomatic brain metastasis

224/537 (41.7)

Corticosteroid use before initiation of first-line therapy

117/524 (22.3)

  1. †Included severe comorbidities were: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) classified according to the Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) as GOLD 3 (severe) or GOLD 4 (very severe); interstitial lung disease with a transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TLCO) > 70% or 50–70%; congestive heart failure; complicated diabetes; moderate to severe renal impairment; moderate to severe hepatic impairment; hemopathy; use of immunosuppressant medications
  2. n refers to the number of evaluated patients for each parameter, and N refers to the total number of patients with available information