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Table 1 MEDLINE search

From: Central venous access device terminologies, complications, and reason for removal in oncology: a scoping review




(not specified)

1. (malposit* or unplan* remov* or early remov* or infilt* or thrombot* or skin irrit* or skin impair* or migrat* or obstruct* or block* or occlud* or occlus* or remov* or premature remov*).mp

13. Central Venous Catheters/ae or Catheters, Indwelling/ae


2. (safety or injur* or complication* or failure* or rupture* or damage* or dislodge* or unplanned or early).ti,kw.

14. Catheterization, Central Venous/ae


3. (Catheter-Related Infections/ or Catheter Obstruction/) not

15. ((catheter* or port* or access device* or central line) adj3 venous).mp.


4. *Accidental injuries/ or *death/

16. ((peripheral* inserted central catheter* or percutaneous inserted central catheter* or infusaport or TIVAD or IVP or CVAD or PICC or CICC or hickman or central venous access device*) not urinary).mp.


5. venous thrombosis/ or thrombophlebitis/ or upper extremity deep vein thrombosis/

17. ((cuff or tunnell* or implanted or implantable) adj3 (venous or access)).mp


6. Phlebitis/

18. 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17


7. exp “Extravasation of diagnostic and therapeutic materials”/


8. exp Dermatitis, Contact/


9. Equipment Failure Analysis/


10. *Equipment Failure/


11. *Foreign-Body Migration/


12. device removal/


13. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12

  1. / = subject heading, exp Explode; *before subject = focused subject heading (major topic); *after word = word is truncated to identify word variations e.g. remov*= removal, removes or removed; adj3 = search for (first group of word/s) within 3 words of (second group of word/s) .mp = title, abstract, original title, author keywords, name of substance word, subject heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, organism Supplementary Concept Word, Population Supplementary Concept Word, unique identifier, synonyms, floating sub-heading word; and .ti,kw. = words in title or author keywords; ae Adverse events