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Table 2 Summary of independent metrics and their physical meaning relative to high-grade serous – Type II tissues

From: Stromal alterations in ovarian cancers via wavelength dependent Second Harmonic Generation microscopy and optical scattering


μ ′ s

m shape value


Conversion efficiency




1.32 (++)

Cell and collagen structures more ordered


Disordered similar sized collagen fibrils

(- -)

Less collagen organization at fiber level




1.01(- - -)

Cell and collagen structures less ordered

(+ +)

Large collagen fibrils


Less collagen organization at fiber level

Endometrioid - Type I

(- -)


1.40 (+ + +)

Cell and collagen structure more ordered


Disordered similar sized collagen fibrils


Decrease collagen density

Low-grade serous – Type I



1.41 (+ + +)

Cell and collagen structure more ordered

(+ +)

Larger more disordered collagen fibrils


Less collagen organization at fiber level

  1. (+) slightly increased, (++) moderately increased, (+++) highly increased, (≈) similar valued, (-) slightly decreased, (- -) moderately decreased, (- - -) highly decreased