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Table 2 Demographic and baseline information collected on enrollment

From: Cohort profile: cholangiocarcinoma screening and care program (CASCAP)

Characteristic on enrolment

n (%)



38,066 (44.4)


47,739 (55.6)

Age (years)



33,595 (39.1)


29,292 (34.1)


16,724 (19.5)


6316 (7.3)

Mean (Standard deviation)

53.82 (9.77)

Median (Minimum : Maximum)

52 (40 : 100)

Educational attainment

 No formal education

1134 (1.3)

 Primary school

66,000 (77.5)

 Secondary school level 1

6194 (7.3)

 Secondary school level 2

6639 (7.8)


1127 (1.3)

 Bachelors degree

3154 (3.7)

 Masters degree or higher

931 (1.1)



2787 (3.3)


68,060 (79.9)


5378 (6.3)


2594 (3.0)

 Government/state enterprise

4198 (4.9)


2189 (2.6)

Number of occasions of fecal examination for liver fluke infection


31,620 (37.2)


33,667 (39.6)


9806 (11.5)


3033 (3.6)

 More than 3

3504 (4.1)

 Cannot remember

3426 (4.0)

Being found to be infected by liver fluke

 Never tested

32,121 (38.0)

 Tested but negative

27,296 (32.3)

 Tested and positive

19,962 (23.6)

 Cannot remember

5161 (6.1)

 Rate of liver fluke infection

47,258 (42.2)

Relatives diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma



59,562 (70.1)


25,445 (29.9)

Ever eaten uncooked or fermented fish (specifically, freshwater with scales)


9271 (10.9)

 Yes, current or previous

75,816 (89.1)