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Table 1 Clinical and pathological characteristics of patient population

From: Quantitative promoter methylation analysis of multiple cancer-related genes in renal cell tumors

Clinicopathological feature


Patients, n


Gender, n (%)



52 (61.2)


33 (38.8)

Age, yr, median (range)

61 (36–86)

Histologic subtype, n (%)


   Clear cell RCC

52 (61.2)

   Papillary RCC

13 (15.2)

   Chromophobe RCC

10 (11.8)


10 (11.8)

Pathologic stage*, n (%)



42 (56)


15 (20)


16 (21.4)


2 (2.6)

Furhman grade, n (%)



2 (2.7)


24 (32.0)


36 (48.0)


13 (17.3)

  1. RCC, renal cell carcinoma, * only includes RCC cases