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Table 3 Changes in gene expression of GIRK1 after seven day treatment of H69 cells with the β2 adrenergic antagonist ICI 118, 551 (ICI) (100 μM) and lack of changes after seven day treatment with β1 adrenergic antagonist atenolol (AT) (100 μM).

From: Expression of G-protein inwardly rectifying potassium channels (GIRKs) in lung cancer cell lines






21.186 ± 0.13

22.040 ± 0.06a

21.238 ± 0.06


12.028 ± 0.17

12.326 ± 0.03

12.090 ± 0.11

  1. Changes in gene expression were determined by real time quantitative PCR, and are expressed as threshold values (CT), N = 5. a p < 0.0003. Threshold/CT cycle values will be higher for samples with less mRNA expression.