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Figure 3 | BMC Cancer

Figure 3

From: Extracellular matrix signatures of human primary metastatic colon cancers and their metastases to liver

Figure 3

Comparison of the metastatic colon cancer matrisomes and control tissue matrisomes. Proteins included in this table were detected in at least two of the three patients for normal colon, colon tumor and metastasis samples, or in both pools of normal liver samples (see grey areas in Figure 2A-D). The proteins are subdivided into categories constituting the matrisome as follows: the core matrisome includes structural proteins such as ECM glycoproteins (A), collagens (B) and proteoglycans (C). In addition we defined three categories of ECM-associated proteins that are present at lower molar ratios: ECM regulators include ECM remodeling enzymes (crosslinking enzymes, proteases and their regulators; D), ECM-affiliated proteins (E) and ECM-associated secreted factors (including growth factors, cytokines, etc.; F) Dash (-) indicates that the protein was not designated part of the matrisome of a given tissue (although in some instances, the protein was detected in one patient only, see Additional file 2B,C and Conclusions).

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