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Table 1 Clinicopathological characteristics of 458 patients with single SHCC

From: Microvascular invasion (MVI) is a poorer prognostic predictor for small hepatocellular carcinoma

Clinicopathological features


Age(yr), mean (median)

52.65 (52)




384 (84.0%)


74 (16.0%)

Pre-operation AFP value ≥200 ug/mla

147 (33.0%)

Post-operation AFP value ≥20 ug/mlb

178 (63.6%)

Virus infectionc


 No virus

30 (6.6%)


421 (92.0%)


4 (1.0%)


1 (0.2%)


1 (0.2%)




411 (89.7%)


47 (10.3%)

Capsulary formationd



249 (55.5%)


200 (44.5%)

Tumor bordere



434 (97.3%)


12 (2.7%)

Tumor histological differentiation


 Well differentiated

14 (3.1%)

 Moderately differentiated

345 (75.3%)

 Poorly differentiated

99 (21.6%)

Tumor microscopic manifestation





83 (18.1%)


375 (81.9%)

Tumor infiltrative lymphocytes



84 (18.3%)


374 (81.7%)

Clear cell subtype



23 (5.0%)


435 (95.0%)

Tumor fatty change



15 (3.3%)


443 (96.7%)

Large cell dyplastic change



36 (7.9%)


422 (92.1%)

Peritumor liver fatty change



90 (19.7%)


368 (80.3%)


53.00 (4-75)


54.00 (21-75)

  1. aMissing data in 12 cases.
  2. bMissing data in 178 cases.
  3. cMissing data in 1 cases.
  4. dMissing data in 9 cases.
  5. eMissing data in 12 cases.
  6. AFP a-fetoprotein, MVI microvascular invasion.
  7. aValues are expressed as n(%) or median(range).