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Figure 3 | BMC Cancer

Figure 3

From: Expression microarray identifies the unliganded glucocorticoid receptor as a regulator of gene expression in mammary epithelial cells

Figure 3

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis of genes negatively regulated by unliganded GR. IPA identified this hub as the top signaling network among candidate genes upregulated in EPH-4 shGR-19 compared to EV-50 (IPA network score = 41) i.e. negatively regulated by unliganded GR. This network was associated with cardiovascular system development and function, cellular movement, and organismal development. Solid lines indicate a physical interaction between molecules. A solid line with an arrow indicates that one factor acts on the other, while a solid line with a perpendicular bar at the end denotes that one factor inhibits the other. Dotted lines indicate an indirect cellular interaction between factors. Shaded molecules represent candidate genes revealed to be upregulated between EPH-4 EV-50 and shGR-19 in our microarray analysis, while white molecules represent factors imputed from the Ingenuity Knowledge Base. The different shapes of the molecules represent their different functional activities: square, cytokine; circle, other; triangle, kinase/phosphatase; rectangle, G protein coupled receptor; oval, transcription regulator; diamond, enzyme. A full explanation of IPA annotation can be found at

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