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Table 1 Primary outcome analysis

From: Ultrasound real-time elastography can predict malignancy in BI-RADS®-US 3 lesions

Effect of sonoelastography on the probability of disease


TES 1–3 or BGR-sign (test negative, benign elastogram, low-risk group)

TES 4–5 (test positive, suspicious elastogram, high-risk group)

pretest POD

4.5% a, b (2.1-9.0)

posttest POD

2.2% b, c (0.6-6.7)

13.2% a, c (5.0-28.9)

Likelihood ratio

0.5 (0.2-1.1)

3.2 (1.7-5.9)

  1. Comparison of pretest- and posttest-POD and likelihood ratios.
  2. 95% confidence interval in brackets.
  3. POD = probability of disease; TES = Tsukuba elasticity score; BGR = blue-green-red.
  4. a p = 0.041 (comparison of POD before test and POD after positive test).
  5. b p = 0.268 (comparison of POD before test and POD after negative test).
  6. c p = 0.004 (comparison of POD after negative test and POD after positive test).