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Table 9 Odds ratios of risk factors stratified by educational attainment

From: Risk factors for nasal malignancies in German men: the South-German Nasal cancer study

Risk factor

Educational attainment


Elementary school

Secondary school



1.066 (1.053–1.80)

1.050 (1.026–1.075)

1.030 (0.994–1.068)

Use of nasal snuff*

1.008 (1.0–1.018)

0.84 (0.17–4.08)

0.985 (0.948–1.023)

Exposure to asbestos*

1.023 (1.002–1.044)

1.017 (0.959–1.078)

0.867 (0.648–1.161)

Exposure to hardwood dust*

1.040 (1.021–1.059)

1.004 (0.875–1.153)

0.955 (0.738–1.235)

Exposure to solvents*

1.017 (1.005–1.029)

1.00 (0.962–1.04)

1.042 (0.994–1.068)

Domestic use of insecticides (ever)

1.21 (0.77–1.90)

1.61 (0.66–3.91)

3.86 (1.53–9.70)

Use of nasal lavage/nasal sprays*

1.003 (0.968–1.039)

1.052 (0.990–1.117)

0.968 (0.882–1.062)

  1. * Per 1 year of exposure to asbestos, hardwood dust, organic solvents, per 1 pack-year of cigarettes, 1 package-year of nasal snuff, 1 month of use of nasal lavage/spray for 1 year.
  2. Adjustments for age, community size and for all other risk factors (duration of exposure or pack-years/package-years respectively, if appropriate).