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Table 5 Percent population attributable fraction (PAF) 1 and 95% confidence intervals (CI) according to significant variables and their combination

From: Postmenopausal breast cancer in Iran; risk factors and their population attributable fractions


PAF (95% CI)2

Parity (< 7)

52.6 (41.2 – 61.8)

BMI (> 25)

24.8 (8.3 – 38.3)

Parity + BMI

64.2 (52.1 – 73.2)

Family history of breast cancer (FH)

15.7 (10.6 – 20.5)

Oral contraceptive usage (OC)

13.7 (0.3 – 25.3)

Parity + BMI + FH + OC

71.3 (63.1 – 80.7)

  1. 1 The PAFs denote the proportion of an outcome in the population that would be prevented if the exposure were completely removed assuming the association was causal and all confounding accounted for.
  2. 2 Derived from multivariable logistic regression model.