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Table 3 Mean Doxorubicin distribution in xenografts

From: Penetration of anticancer drugs through tumour tissue as a function of cellular packing density and interstitial fluid pressure and its modification by bortezomib

Tumour type and treatment

Distance from blood vessel at which fluorescence falls to 50% its original value (L)

Doxorubicin distribution (μm × I)

Microvascular Density


24 ± 5

785 ± 190

3.0 ±0.5


31 ± 6

1476 ± 370*

6.0 ± 0.8

HCT-8Ea & Bortezomib pre-treatment

29 ±7

1140 ± 190*

2.6 ± 0.3


29 ± 8

990 ± 220

4.1 ± 0.4


43 ± 11

2097 ± 248**

2.8 ± 0.2

HCT-8E11 & Bortezomib pre-treatment

35 ± 9

1170 ± 200**

3.8 ± 0.6

  1. Drug distribution is represented by the area under the curve representing doxorubicin intensity vs. distance from the nearest blood vessel up to 100 μm. Data were obtained from 10-12 animals and represent mean ± packing density. The distance from blood vessel at which fluorescence falls to 50% its original value (L), presented as mean ± standard deviation was significantly greater in the HCT-8 Ra and 1R1 xenografts than that observed in HCT-8 Ea and E11 tumours (p = 0.003 for HCT-8Ra and Ea and p = 0.008 for HCT-81R1 and E11 tumour xenografts; paired T-tests). This distance was greater in tumor xenografts pre-treated with bortezomib (p = 0.035 and p = 0.048 in HCT-8Ea and HCT-8E11 tumour xenografts pre-treated with bortezomib) than in control.
  2. * p≤0.05 for comparison with HCT-8Ea tumor xenografts.
  3. ** p≤0.05 for comparison with HCT-8E11 tumor xenografts.