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Table 3 Overview of imatinib treatment as of August, 2009 ( n= 575)

From: Increased financial burden among patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia receiving imatinib in Japan: a retrospective survey


n (%)

Current imatinib dosage


   <400 mg/day

215 (37.4)

   400 mg/day

335 (58.3)

   >500 mg/day

22 (3.8)

No response

3 (0.5)

Year of CML diagnosis


   Before 1990

4 (0.7)

   1991 to 1995

15 (2.6)

   1996 to 2000

68 (11.8)

   2001 to 2005

242 (42.1)

   After 2006

236 (41.0)

   No response

10 (1.7)

Number of patients who were treated with imatinib



68 (11.8)


284 (49.4)


528 (91.8)

Frequency of Visits as an Out-patient


   <1 month

65 (11.3)

   More than 1 month, but less than 2 months

320 (55.7)

   More than 2 month, but less than 3 months

132 (23.0)

   More than 3 month, but less than 4 months

52 (9.0)

   No response

6 (1.0)

Side effects*


   Facial oedema

370 (64.3)

   Muscle cramps

248 (43.1)


235 (40.9)


214 (37.2)


201 (35.0)


180 (31.3)

   Muscular pain

141 (24.5)

   Generalised oedema

136 (23.7)

   Joint pain

80 (13.9)

   Taste disorder

67 (11.7)

   Stomach pain

49 (8.5)


137 (23.8)

  1. * The question on side effects allowed multiple answers.