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Table 3 Phenotypic characterization of cell-forming spheres.

From: CD133, CD15/SSEA-1, CD34 or side populations do not resume tumor-initiating properties of long-term cultured cancer stem cells from human malignant glio-neuronal tumors


% of wells containing spheres

Number of sphere/well


11/11 = 100%

15 ± 2.2 (day 21)


9/13 = 70%

5.9 ± 2.6 (day 21)


14/14 = 100%

22 ± 4.1 (day 36)


12/15 = 80%

20 ± 3.6 (day 36)

Non SP

10/10 = 100%

18.6 ± 0.5 (day 36)


10/10 = 100%

19.1 ± 0.2 (day 36)

  1. Cells cultured as spheres from either TG1, TG6 or TG7 were dissociated and sorted according to their expression of CD15, CD34 or they capability to exclude Hoechst 3342 dye. Sorted cells were then plated (100 cells/well) in round-bottomed 96-well plates and fed once a week. Wells were examined at days 21 and 36, and the number of spheres (with more than 50 cells) per well was recorded. Data are from 1 representative experiment out of 3.