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Figure 1 | BMC Cancer

Figure 1

From: EpCAM nuclear localization identifies aggressive Thyroid Cancer and is a marker for poor prognosis

Figure 1

Immunohistochemical analysis of EpEx, Ep-ICD and β catenin in thyroid cancer. The ATC did not show detectable membranous EpEx staining (IA); all the other subtypes of TC analyzed and normal thyroid tissues showed varying levels of plasma membranous EpEx staining (IB-IF). Nuclear Ep-ICD staining was observed in undifferentiated and poorly differentiated TC (IIA-IIC, and IIF), but not in well differentiated TC and the adjacent normal thyroid tissue (IID, IIE). Correlated with nuclear Ep-ICD staining, nuclear or cytoplasmic β catenin staining was observed in aggressive TC (IIIA-IIIC, and IIIF), while membranous staining was observed in the less aggressive TC and the adjacent normal thyroid tissues (IIID, IIIE). Panels A, B and F- I and II, C and F III- original magnification × 40; panels A III, B III, C, D, E - I and II, D and E III- original magnification × 20. The abbreviations M, C, and N denote membranous, cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of the proteins.

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