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Table 1 Histological characteristics.

From: Histological type and grade of breast cancer tumors by parity, age at birth, and time since birth: a register-based study in Norway



Year of diagnosis

Total (%)


1955 - 92

1993 - 99


Histological type a


1. Ductal (8500)b,c


9406 (75.6)

8046 (77.3)

18616 (81.4)

2. Lobular (8520,752:0-5)


526 (  4.2)

925 (  8.9)

1451 (  6.3)

3. Mucinous (8480,8481)


146 (  1.2)

202 (  1.9)

348 (  1.5)

4. Tubular (8211)


87 (  0.7)

170 (  1.6)

257 (  1.1)

5. Medullary (8510,8512,7591)


170 (  1.4)

81 (  0.8)

251 (  1.1)

6. Other specified types


58 (  0.5)

208 (  2.0)

266 (  1.2)

7. Adenocarinomas/carcinomas, unspec. (8140, 8010, 8020)d


641 (  5.1)

609 (  6.2)

1250 (  5.5)

8. Paget disease, malign (854:0-3,752:6:8)


188 (  1.5)

144 (  1.4)

332 (  1.5)

9. Sarcomas (9020,8800-8930,9120)e


70 (  0.2)

26 (  0.3)

96 (  0.4)

Histological grade


   Well/moderate (grade 1-2)


804 (  6.5)

5256 (50.5)

6060 (26.5)

   Poorly/undiff. (grade 3-4)


1104 (  8.9)

2379 (22.9)

3484 (15.2)



10548 (84.7)

2776 (26.7)

13323 (58.3)

  1. Histological types and grade of breast cancer tumors among 22,867 women aged 20-74 years
  2. a Four first digits in ICD-0-2 morphological code are given in parenthesis
  3. b From diagnoses before 1993: also including 7258 adenocarcinomas, morphological code 8143, and 1493 adenocarcinomas, code 814x, and 1164 carcinomas, code 8013
  4. c From diagnoses in 1993 and later: Also including 131 comedo cases, code 8501, and 63 ductal-lobular cases, code 8522
  5. d Including 343 poorly differentiated carcinomas, code 8020, and 397 cases classified as simplex carcinomas, code 823x before 1993
  6. e Including 68 phyllodes tumors