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Figure 5 | BMC Cancer

Figure 5

From: Interference with Activator Protein-2 transcription factors leads to induction of apoptosis and an increase in chemo- and radiation-sensitivity in breast cancer cells

Figure 5

Impairment of proliferation and enhanced apoptosis upon interference with AP-2 proteins in N202.1A breast cancer cells. (A) Click-iT Edu assays to determine the amount of cells in S-phase upon expression of ΔAP-2γ in N202.1A. Induced clones were normalized to uninduced clones and the percentage of cells in S-phase determined. *:P < 0.01, **:P < 0.05, n.s.:not significant. (B, C) N202.1A breast tumor cells were treated with doxycycline for 96 h and then subjected to fluorescence, SEM (D, E) and TEM (F, G) analyses. Upon expression of the dominant-negative AP-2γ mutant in N202.1A cells (B, D, F), membrane surface blebbing (indicated by the arrows) can be observed, while control cells display a regular polygonal morphology (C, E, G). Scale Bar represents 20 μm.

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