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Table 2 Study design, population characteristics and outcomes of hypothesis-generating pharmacogenetic studies investigating anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in patients with osteosarcoma

From: Pharmacogenetics of chemotherapy treatment response and -toxicities in patients with osteosarcoma: a systematic review

Author (year)

Study design

Associated variant(s)


Study approach

No. of osteosarcoma patients

Follow-up time (years, or specified otherwise)

Ethnicity; nationality

Investigated number of variants and genes

Aminkeng et al., 2015


Stage 1: 11 (of 280)

Cases: 7.5 (2.5 – 15.5)

Controls: 9 (7 – 12)

Caucasian; Canadian

738,432 variants

RARG rs2229774


Stage 2: 9 (of 96)

Cases: 22 (19 – 25)

Controls: 17 (14 – 22)

Caucasian; Dutch

Stage 3: 5 (of 80)

Cases: 15.5 (7 – 22)

Controls: 10 (7 – 15)

African, East Asian and Aboriginal

Chaix et al., 2020

Exome sequencing

Disc.30a of 289

Cases: 8.5 (5.0 – 12.3)

Controls: 9.0 (6.0 – 12.3)


110,558 variants in 17,382 genes



Hildebrandt et al., 2017

Hypertension loci

41 (of 108)

Cases: 21.2 (SD: 11.2)

Controls: 15.7 (SD: 7.6)

White, hispanic or black; American

12 variants in PLCE1, ATP2B1, ARHGAP42, GNAS-EDN3, C10orf107, CSK, BAG6, CACNB2, MTHFR, CACNB2, HFE, NPR3

PLCE1 rs932764*


ATP2B1 rs17249754*

Ruiz-Pinto et al., 2017

Exome array with low frequency variants

15 (of 93)

Cases: 10.5 (1 – 27.5)

Controls: 8.3 (1 – 24.1)

NS; Spanish

247,870 variants

GPR35 rs12468485


Sapkota et al., 2021

Whole genome sequencing



Disc.: African

9.3 million common variants (MAF ≥ 0.05) and 10.2 million rare/low frequency variants (MAF ≤ 0.05)

1p13.2 rs6689679


Repl.: European

15q25.3 rs9788776

Sapkota et al., 2021

Whole genome sequencing



Disc.: European

6.69 million common variants (MAF ≥ 0.05) and rare/low frequency variants (MAF ≤ 0.05) number NS

6p21.2 rs2815063


Repl 1.: African

Repl. 2.: European

Visscher et al., 2012

ADME panel

Disc.: 11 (of 156)

Cases: 6.5 (0.1 – 21.5)

Controls: 7.8 (5.0 – 17.9)

Disc. and repl.: (non-) European; Canadian

Repl.2: NS; Dutch

1,931 variants in 220 drug bio-transformation genes

SLC28A3 rs7853758


Repl.: 10 (of 188)

Cases: 7.4 (0.2 – 20.7)

Controls: 9.2 (5.0 – 18.6)

Repl.2: 6 (of 96)

Cases: 20.2 (7.4 – 27.9)

Controls: 15.4 (5.1 – 29.8)

Visscher et al., 2015

ADME panel

Discover.: 21 (of 344)


NS; Canadian and Dutch

4,153 variants in 300 pharmacokinetics and -dynamics genes

SLC22A17 rs4982753*


Repl.: 16 (of 218)


SLC22A7 rs4149178*

Wang et al., 2014

Cardiovascular panel: gene – environment interaction

Disc.: 54a (of 287)

Cases: 10.0 (0.1 – 35.1)

Controls: 11.3 (0.9 – 41.0)

Disc.: Non-Hispanic white; American

34,912 variants in 2,100 genes associated with cardiovascular disease

HAS3 rs2232228


Repl.: 0 (of 76)

4.0 (0.5 – 22.5)

Repl.: Non-Hispanic white, Hispanic, other; American

Wang et al., 2016

GWAS: gene – environment interaction

Disc.: 96b (of 331)

Cases: 9.4 (0.1–35.1)

Controls: 12.9 (1.4–41)

Disc.: Non-Hispanic white; American

709,358 variants

CELF4 rs1786814


Repl.: 17 (of 54)


Repl.: Non-Hispanic white, Hispanic, Other; American


Windsor et al., 2012

Pathway approach

58 (of 58)

41 (12–93) months

Caucasian, Afro-Caribbean, Indian, Asian; UK

35 variants in 21 pharmacological pathway genes of MAP

GSTP1 rs1695*


  1. NS not specified, n/a not applicable, GWAS genome-wide association study, ADME absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, disc. discovery cohort, repl. replication cohort, MAP methotrexate, adriamycin (doxorubicin), cisplatin chemotherapy regimen
  2. aNumber of bone tumors, osteosarcoma is not specified
  3. bNumber of sarcomas, osteosarcoma is not specified
  4. *Association was not significant after multiple testing correction, but is/are the top hit(s) of the study