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Table 2 Characteristics for eight included clinical trials

From: Clinical application of low-level laser therapy (Photo-biomodulation therapy) in the management of breast cancer-related lymphedema: a systematic review

Authors [Years]

Subjects (n)

Level of Evidence

Study Design and Blinding type

Inclusion Criteria


Follow-up sessions

Evaluation Outcomes

Final Findings

Mogahed et al. [2020] [39]

30 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Single blinded, controlled trial

Stage 2 or 3 BCRL

1: Active laser (n = 15)

2: Placebo laser (n = 15)

3: MLD

4: Shoulder ROM

5: Pneumatic compression

Pre-Tx-3 mn

1: Arm volume

2: Shoulder pain

Laser group was found beneficial in reducing upper arm volume and decreasing shoulder pain as a post-mastectomy complication

Kilmartin et al. [2019] [38]

22 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Double-blinded Randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Age ≥ 21 yr,

Stage 2 or 3 unilateral lymphedema

1: Active laser + CDT (n = 11)

2: Placebo laser + CDT (n = 11)

Pre-Tx, 3,6,12 mn

1: Arm volume

2: Shoulder mobility

Laser group remarably decreases post-mastectomy arm volume and improve symptoms compared to control placebo group

Baxter et al. [2018] [37]

16 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Double- blinded Randomized controlled trial

Age ≥ 18 yr, Diagnosis of BCRL

1: Active laser (n = 8)

2: Placebo laser (n = 8)

3: Pressure garment

4: Massage therapy & Exe

Pre-Tx, 6,12 wk

1: Arm circumference

Laser group seemed to have improve arm circumference, in general LLLT was considered to treat BCRL

Storz et al. [2017] [36]

40 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Double- blinded Randomized, Placebo-controlled trial

 ≥ 3 months hx of BCRL

1: Active laser (n = 20)

2: Placebo laser (n = 20)

3: Daily limb exe

4: Skin care

Pre-Tx, 4,8,12 wk

1: Arm volume

2: Shoulder pain

Laser therapy may be effective in reduction of arm volume, but no solid results were seen

Bramlett et al. [2014] [35]

14 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Double-blinded, Randomized placebo-controlled trial

Age ≥ 21 yr, unilateral BCRL

1: Active laser (n = 7)

2: Placebo laser (n = 7) CDT

Pre-Tx 3,6,12,18 mn

1: Arm circumference and volume

18-months of period suggested a decreasing trend in active laser group; Long-term follow-up appears to show that LLLT is useful

Ridner et al. [2013] [40]

46 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Single blinded, Randomized controlled trial

Age ≥ 21 yr,

Stage 1 or 2 lymphedema

1: Active laser (n = 15)

2: MLD group (n = 16)

3: Laser + MLD (n = 15)

4: Compression Bandage

Pre-Tx, Daily and weekly, post Tx

1: Arm circumference and volume

Active laser with bandaging was found to be effective, similarly laser with MLD also helped managed PML

Lau and cheing [2010] [34]

21 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Single-blinded, Randomized controlled trial

Age ≥ 18 yr, undergone radical mastectomy

1: Active laser (n = 11)

2: Placebo laser (n = 10)

3:Lymphedema education

Pre-Tx,4wk post-Tx

1: Arm volume

Active laser group showed notable decrease in arm volume at the 4wk follow-up

Omar et al. [2011] [21]

50 women, unilateral PML

Level 2

Double-blinded, Randomized, Placebo-controlled trial

Stage 2 or 3 breast cancer

1: Active laser (n = 25)

2: Placebo laser (n = 25)

3: Limb exe

4: Skin protection 5: Pressure garment

Pre-Tx 4, 8, 12, 16 wk

1: Arm circumference

2: Shoulder mobility

3: Hand grip strength

Laser was found to be effective to manage arm volume, shoulder ROM and hand grip strength in women with PML

  1. Representation in Table 2.
  2. Hx history, MLD manual lymphatic drainage, CDT Complete decongestive therapy, Pre-Tx Pre Treatment, Post-Tx Post Treatment, Wk week, Mn month