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Table 2 Indicator assessment sheet (F_6)

From: The pilot project of the National Cancer Network in Poland: Assessment of the functioning of the National Cancer Network and results from quality indicators for lung cancer (2019–2021)


Percentage of patients requiring re-hospitalization due to complications after radiotherapy

Characteristics of the measure/indicator

Cancer type (- not applicable, x – applies to):

Colorectal cancer (C18, C19, C20)

Lung cancer (C34)

Breast cancer (C50)

Ovarian cancer (C56)

Prostate cancer (C61)

Secondary lung cancer (C78.0)

Preinvasive Brest cancer DCIS (D05)








Belonging to a type:

Describing the state of health (effects of action, depending on the organization)

Statistics (independent of the organization)

Internal process measures (quality)



Link to processes (- none, • weak, •• strong):


Determinig clinical stege

Selection of therapy





Measure/Indicator is:





expected value (ideal) of the measure/indicator:


Calculation formula


\(\frac{\mathrm{number of patients with complications after radiotherapy}}{\mathrm{number of all patients undergoing radiotherapy}}\)


1. Clinical stages

2. Cancer type [C18-C20, C34, C50, C56, C61, C78.0 i D05], for each type of cancer—except D05 i C78.0—4 calculations (I, II, III, IV clinical stage)

for D05—0 clinical stage (1 calculation)

for C78.0—IV clinical stage (1 calculation)

In Total: 22 calculations

Necessary data to calculate the measure

Source of data

Personal Identity Numbers or unique identifiers of patients included in the pilot program

report xml NFZ a/ Hospital Informatic System

Diagnosis according to ICD-10

report xml NFZ a/ Hospital Informatic System: Colorectal cancer (C18, C19, C20)

Lung cancer (C34)

Breast cancer (C50)

Ovarian cancer (C56)

Prostate cancer (C61)

Secondary lung cancer (C78.0)

Preinvasive brest cancer-DCIS (D05)

Clinical stage

Hospital Informatic system – set for the day of the Tumor Board

Last date of radiotherapy course

report xml NFZ a/ Hospital Informatic System

Information on re-hospitalization and its causes

report xml NFZ a/ Hospital Informatic System

Reported treatment complications from radiotherapy or surgery or other reporting. Within 30 days from the last date of radiotherapy

Excluding patients whose rehospitalization is associated with undergoing chemotherapy / or hospitalized patients due to injuries, and patients undergoing planned surgery

  1. aNFZ Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (Polish)National Health Fund