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Table 2 Proportion of emergency admissions by route to emergency admission for pre-COVID (2017–2019) and during COVID (2020) patient cohorts

From: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emergency hospital cancer admissions in a UK region

Route to Emergency cancer

related Admission

Patient Cohorts

Percentage Change in Admissions from Pre-COVID to During COVID


Chi-squared Result


(2017–2019 Average)

During COVID


Accident and Emergency

(Includes walk-ins, ambulance admissions, etc.)

2657 (76·9%)

2252 (74·3%)

- 15·2%

Χ2 (3, N = 6487) = 158·26. p < 0·001.

Cramer’s V = 0·156.

General Practitioner

131 (3·8%)

75 (2·5%)

- 42·7%

Other Emergencies

(COVID-19, Critical Care Units, Home Visits, Other)

280 (8·1%)

514 (17·0%)

+  83·6%

Outpatient Department

388 (11·2%)

190 (6·3%)

- 51·0%


3456 (100%)

3031 (100%)

- 12·3%