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Table 2 Between-group differences in SF-36 domain and composite summary scores of study participantsa

From: Improving health-related quality of life in women with breast, blood, and gynaecological Cancer with an eHealth-enabled 12-week lifestyle intervention: the women’s wellness after Cancer program randomised controlled trial


Baseline (t0)

Post-intervention (t1)

Follow-up (t2)

Intervention (n = 175)

Control (n = 176)

Intervention (n = 120)

Control (n = 126)

Intervention (n = 123)

Control (n = 120)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

Physical functioning (PF)

47.0 (8.2)

45.0 (8.9)

49.6 (7.8)

47.5 (8.1)

50.6 (7.6)

47.4 (9.3)

Role limitations/physical health (RP)

44.7 (11.6)

42.1 (12.0)

50.0 (9.7)

45.3 (11.9)*

48.6 (10.3)

44.7 (12.4)*

Bodily pain (BP)

48.9 (9.0)

47.0 (8.9)

50.8 (9.0)

47.7 (9.5)*

50.2 (9.3)

47.5 (10.2)

General health (GH)

48.0 (8.3)

47.3 (9.5)

48.9 (8.4)

46.8 (8.9)

50.1 (8.8)

47.0 (9.8)*

Vitality (VT)

47.2 (8.8)

46.3 (9.8)

50.5 (8.7)

47.8 (9.4)*

50.5 (9.2)

47.9 (10.0)*

Social Functioning (SF)

46.5 (9.2)

44.9 (10.4)

49.9 (7.9)

47.9 (10.0)

50.1 (8.3)

48.0 (10.6)

Role limitations/emotional health (RE)

45.5 (12.1)

45.5 (12.2)

47.2 (10.9)

49.7 (10.1)**

48.4 (10.5)

47.1 (12.2)

Mental health (MH)

45.1 (9.1)

45.4 (9.4)

42.5 (8.6)

41.8 (9.1)

50.2 (8.5)

48.8 (10.4)*

Physical component summary (PCS)

47.9 (8.7)

45.3 (9.5)

52.0 (8.6)

47.6 (9.2)**

50.2 (8.9)

46.3 (10.4)

Mental component summary (MCS)

45.5 (10.3)

46.1 (10.8)

45.3 (9.7)

46.2 (9.9)

49.5 (9.4)

48.6 (11.6)

  1. Between-group differences at t1 and t2 used one-way ANCOVA adjusting for baseline scores * p < .05, ** p < .01
  2. M mean value, SD standard deviation of the mean value, SF-36 Short Form 36
  3. aOverall n’s might differ because of missing data