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Fig. 1 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 1

From: Contribution and clinical relevance of germline variation to the cancer transcriptome

Fig. 1

The eQTL landscape in 24 cancer types. A The proportions of expressed genes with evidence of germline regulation are shown for 24 cancer types from the TCGA. The number of cancer types in which eGenes are found are indicated by the colored bars. B eGenes identified after randomly selecting 200 patients from each cancer cohort. As before, bar colors represent tissue sharing between eGenes. Only cancers for which at least 200 patients were available are shown. C Similarities in eGene profiles between cancer types after downsampling. The similarity index was derived by considering the ratio of the intersection to the union of eGenes present in all pairs of cancers. On the adjusted scale, 0 = the lowest and 1 = the highest similarity observed between two different cancer types. D Overrepresentation analysis of GO enrichment terms when considering only cancer type-specific eGenes among all ubiquitously eGenes, E  Overrepresentation analysis of GO enrichemtn terms when considering shared eGenes (present in at least 10 cancer types) among all ubiquitously expressed eGenes. Enrichment analyses were performed considering all three GO categories (CC cellular compartment; BP biological process, MF molecular function) using goSeq. Adjusted p-values are shown for ten most significant GO terms

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