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Fig. 5 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Correction to: SNCA correlates with immune infiltration and serves as a prognostic biomarker in lung adenocarcinoma

Fig. 5

Genes related to immune regulation by SNCA in LUAD. A mRNA and protein levels of SNCA in the A549 cell line overexpressing SNCA were detected. B Volcanic map distribution of DEGs. Red dots are upregulated genes, and green dots are downregulated genes. C SNCA-regulated immune-related DEGs were obtained by Wayne analysis between the obtained DEGs and immune-related genes from Immport Resource. D Heat map showing the top 20 upregulated and top 20 downregulated immune-related DEGs. E GO analysis of immune-related DEGs, including five BP items, CC items, and MF items from top to bottom. F KEGG analysis of the top 15 immune-related DEGs (**** P < 0.0001)

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