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Table 1 Supportive Oncology Care at Home for Patients with Cancer Receiving Definitive Treatment Study Outcomes

From: Supportive oncology care at home interventions: protocols for clinical trials to shift the paradigm of care for patients with cancer

Study Outcomes

Health Care Utilization Outcomes

 Proportion of patients requiring a hospital admission or ED visit during the study period (primary endpoint)

 Proportion of days patients spent outside of the hospital during the study period

 Patients needing an urgent care visit (yes/no)

Cancer treatment-related outcomes

 Patients receiving treatment interruption (yes/no)

 Relative dose intensity of definitive treatment received

Patient-reported outcomes

 Changes in symptom burden (ESAS) longitudinally throughout the study

 Changes in QOL (FACT-G) longitudinally throughout the study

 Changes in psychological distress (HADS/PHQ-4) longitudinally throughout the study

 Changes in care satisfaction (FAMCARE) longitudinally throughout the study

 Changes in ADLs (MOS) and IADLs (OARS) longitudinally throughout the study