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Table 1 Themes identified as the main barriers and facilitators for the engagement with colorectal cancer prevention

From: Colorectal cancer community engagement: a qualitative exploration of American Indian voices from North Dakota




Colorectal cancer screening barriers

-Living in a rural area

 -Lack of local healthcare capacity

 -Transportation barriers

-The screening procedures are not fun

-Unique barriers for American Indian men

Focused on other health problems


Lack of colorectal cancer tailored health promotion

-Access to healthy foods and activities is limited

-Not enough awareness and education

Socio-cultural factors

-Avoiding healthcare until symptoms worsen

 -Fear of cancer being found

-Colorectal cancer not talked about

 -Embarrassment due to private nature of body part

-Mistrust of Western healthcare systems


Reasons for getting colorectal cancer screening

-Having a role model or community spokesperson

-Importance of family or health provider pressure

-Worsening of symptoms

Role of culture

-Use of storytelling

-Use of traditional knowledge, ceremony, and prayer

Getting out into the community

-Community programming and events

-Importance of visual education materials