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Table 4 Health-Related Quality of Life at 1 year follow-up in palliative intent oesophageal and GOJ cancer patients

From: Health-related quality of life one year after the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer: a population-based study from the Swedish National Registry for Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer

  1. Values in bold are both clinically relevant and statistically significant
  2. Mean scores and adjusted mean score differences (MD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) in patients who completed the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30 questionnaire and oesophageal module QLQ-OG25, stratified by reason for palliative intent
  3. Abbreviations: M1 Palliative intent due to distant metastatic disease, T4b Palliative intent due to tumour invasion of adjacent organs or structures
  4. aPatients with palliative intent due to frailty and/or comorbidities