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Table 1 Calculation formulas for F_9 and F_10 measures

From: Analysis of lung cancer measures of the National Cancer Network pilot study in Poland for potential improvement in the quality of advanced-stage lung cancer therapy


Percentage of stage III and IV cancer patients (F_9)

Assessment of the completeness of a pathological examination (F_10)

Calculation formula


Nominator the number of patients included in the pilot with stage III and IV of a given cancer

Denominator: the number of all patients included in the pilot with a given diagnosis and stage

Nominator: the number of all completed oncological diagnostics assessment cards in individual neoplasms included in the pilot study in which incompleteness was found

Denominator: the number of all completed oncological diagnostics assessment cards (regardless of the assessment performed) in each of the pilot cancers.

Expected value of the indicator:



Type of the indicator


(independent of the organization)

Internal processes indicator
